センターについてAbout the Centre
慶應義塾大学マインドフルネス&ストレス研究センター(Mindfulness & Stress Research Center:MSR)は、前身となるストレス研究センターで蓄積された産業精神保健などの知見を基盤に、マインドフルネスなどの新たな心理社会的技法にも研究や実践の射程を広げていきます。さらにはこれらの技法とテクノロジーとの有機的な連携も推進して参ります。こうした取り組みを通して、社会のあらゆる人々が、メンタルヘルスやウェルビーイングを増進できる社会の実現を目指します。
The Mindfulness & Stress Research Center (MSR) at Keio University is dedicated to expanding the scope of research and practice on the knowledge of occupational mental health by incorporating new psychosocial techniques, particularly mindfulness. Furthermore, it seeks to promote organic linkages between these techniques and technology. Through these efforts, we aim to realise a society in which mental health and wellbeing can be improved for all individuals.

マインドフルネスとは、「今この瞬間の体験に気づき、ありのままにそれを受け入れる方法」(大谷, 2014)のことです。
マインドフルネスの概念を医療に応用し、8週間のプログラムを作ったのは、マサチューセッツ大学のジョン・カバットジン博士で、1970年代のことです。このプログラムはマインドフルネスストレス低減法(Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction: MBSR)と呼ばれています。その後2000年にジョン・ティーズデール博士、マーク・ウィリアムズ博士、ジンデル・シーガル博士らが、MBSRを基にしたマインドフルネス認知療法(Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy:MBCT)を開発し、うつ病の再発予防効果を実証してから、マインドフルネスの概念が医療の世界で広く知られるようになってきました。
Mindfulness is “a way of being aware of the experience of the present moment and accepting it as it is.” (Otani, 2014). Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts, in the 1970s, created the 8-week program applying mindfulness to healthcare. The program was named Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Then Dr. John Teasdale, Dr. Mark Williams, and Dr. Jindel Segal had developed Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) based on MBSR in 2000, and after demonstrating its effectiveness in preventing relapse of depression, the concept of mindfulness has become widely known in the medical field. Since then, various benefits of mindfulness have been demonstrated, especially in the United States and Europe. However, there is little evidence about mindfulness based intervention in Japan. Through clinical research, we want to contribute to spreading mindfulness based intervention in Japan in an appropriate way. The studies we have conducted are as follows.
産業精神保健Occupational mental health

私たちは職場復帰支援を中心としたメンタルヘルス支援プログラムであるKEAP(KEIO Employee Assistance Program)を開発し、提供しています。KEAPは、うつ病などのメンタルヘルス不調で休業に至った社員の方などが、スムーズに職場復帰を果たし、その後も継続して就労できることを支援するプログラムです。
We have developed and offer KEAP (KEIO Employee Assistance Program), a mental health assistance program focused on helping people return to work. KEAP is a program that facilitates a smooth return of employees and individuals to the workplace after taking sick-leave due to depression or other mental health problems.
It was developed by the Department of Neuropsychiatry, School of Medicine, Keio University, based on more than 50 years of experience and scientific knowledge in the field of psychiatry and occupational mental health. KEAP aims to transform stress into a stimulus for health and growth in the field of occupational mental health.
支援方法Support method
KEAP offers a team-based approach with mental health professionals. A clinical psychologist is stationed at a contracted company to ensure detailed cooperation with the relevant departments and to gain a detailed understanding of the conditions and environment of the individuals with mental health problems. The psychiatrist uses this information to interview the individual and conduct a psychiatric assessment. The results are discussed within the team and a support policy is decided upon, which will be the basis of a support plan. The support plan is drawn in collaboration with the individual and relevant persons within their department. KEAP will provide appropriate support in accordance with the support plan.
実績Organizations we've served
To date, our team has teamed up with four companies, including one with approximately 10,000 employees. Our team has provided mental health services, focusing on support on reintegration of employees of the contracting companies.
医療経済Health economics

Since the resources available to society are limited, achieving better health requires not only the effectiveness studies, but also the economic evaluation, such as cost-effectiveness studies and cost of illness studies. We also work on various economic evaluations related to health and healthcare.
私たちの研究・実践Our research and practices
マインドフルネス認知療法の職場の労働生産性に与える影響The impact of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on workplace labour productivity
マインドフルネス認知療法の維持効果の検証Examining the maintenance effects of mindfulness cognitive therapy
マインドフルネス的プログラムの健常成人の主観的well-beingに与える影響の研究A study of the effects of mindfulness based programs on the subjective well-being for healthy adults
不安障害に対するマインドフルネス認知療法の効果および費用対効果研究Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness studies of mindfulness cognitive therapy for anxiety disorder
不安障害に対するVRによる曝露を導入したマインドフルネスプログラムの効果および費用対効果の検証Examining the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a mindfulness program introducing VR-based exposure for anxiety disorders
医療経済Health economics
The Mindfulness & Stress Research Center organises monthly conferences. Information on upcoming conferences and reports on previous conferences and other events can be found below.
〒160-8582 東京都新宿区信濃町35
35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo, Japan 160-8582