経済産業省の検証事業で、「学習療法」の介護費用節減効果を実証しました The cost-saving effects of learning therapy on long-term care in the research funded by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
September 12, 2016

As part of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s project, our group (Mitsuhiro Sado, Kei Funaki, and Akira Ninomiya) worked to evaluate the effects of “learning therapy,” such as simple calculations and reading aloud, on maintaining long-term care level leading to the reduction of the cost of long-term care. This research was conducted in collaboration with Assistant Professor Ken Ito of the Graduate School of Media and Governance at Keio University and Kumon Institute of Education, Inc.
In this study, 57 people with dementia residing in the nursing care homes were followed for one year, divided into 2 groups: one group (30 people) who were engaged in learning therapy for 30 minutes a day, five days a week, and the other group who did not engage in learning therapy.
▶︎the effect of maintaining nursing care level
After one year, the intervention group showed little or no change in the care needed level (independence was maintained), whereas the control group, which did not receive learning therapy, showed a worsening in the care level (a decrease in independence), with a difference of nearly “1” in the care needed level.
▶︎Savings in average care costs of ¥200,000 per person per year by maintaining care level
Based on the results, we ran 500 times statistical simulations to see the extent to which it saves long-term care insurance costs. The results showed that the likelihood of saving on long-term care insurance costs was about 91%, and that the average annual savings per person was nearly ¥200,000. This savings is a result of the maintenance of independence of the patient with dementia through active intervention. It was favourable for the patient, family and society.