マインドフルネスとは、「今この瞬間の体験に気づき、ありのままにそれを受け入れる方法」(大谷, 2014)のことです。マインドフルネスの概念を医療に応用し、8週間のプログラムを作ったのは、マサチューセッツ大学のジョン・カバットジン博士で、1970年代のことです。このプログラムはマインドフルネスストレス低減法(Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction: MBSR)と呼ばれています。その後2000年にジョン・ティーズデール博士、マーク・ウィリアムズ博士、ジンデル・シーガル博士らが、MBSRを基にしたマインドフルネス認知療法(Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy: MBCT)を開発し、うつ病の再発予防効果を実証してから、マインドフルネスの概念が医療の世界で広く知られるようになってきました。以後、アメリカやヨーロッパを中心に、マインドフルネスの様々な効果が実証されるようになってきています。しかし、文化や社会制度の異なるわが国でも同じような効果が得られるのか、その科学的根拠は、まだ十分に蓄積されているとは言えません。私たちは、研究を通して、マインドフルネスが適切な形で社会に普及していくことに貢献していきたいと考えています。これまでにマインドフルネスに関連して以下の研究が実施されています。詳細はそれぞれをご覧ください。
Mindfulness is “a way of being aware of the experience of the present moment and accepting it as it is.” (Otani, 2014). Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts, in the 1970s, created the 8-week program applying mindfulness to healthcare. The program was named Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Then Dr. John Teasdale, Dr. Mark Williams, and Dr. Jindel Segal had developed Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) based on MBSR in 2000, and after demonstrating its effectiveness in preventing relapse of depression, the concept of mindfulness has become widely known in the medical field. Since then, various benefits of mindfulness have been demonstrated, especially in the United States and Europe. However, there is little evidence about mindfulness based intervention in Japan. Through clinical research, we want to contribute to spreading mindfulness based intervention in Japan in an appropriate way. The studies we have conducted are as follows.
不安障害に対するマインドフルネスMindfulnes for anxiety disorder
We first tested the preliminary effects of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on patients with anxiety disorders without a control group, and then, we conducted a randomized controlled trial. The study demonstrated that mindfulness was effective for anxiety disorders in Japan. See below for a summary of each study.
パイロット研究Pilot study
【目的】 この研究は、不安障害(パニック障害、社交不安障害、強迫性障害)に対するマインドフルネス教室の効果を、介入前後の比較で検証することを目的に行われました。
【方法】 パニック障害、社交不安障害、強迫性障害のいずれかの診断基準を満たす対象者13名に対して、毎週2時間全8回のマインドフルネス教室を実施し、実施前後で不安症状やうつ症状などがどのように変化するかの評価を行いました(対照群をおかない単群前後比較)。
【結果】 その結果、不安症状の尺度であるSTAI-stateの平均値は、介入前52.4だった値が、介入後は40.8(40点以下が正常域)と、ほぼ正常域まで、有意に低下することが明らかになりました(p値=0.001)。
Pilot study
Objective: We compared the pre-post effects of mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT) for anxiety disorders (panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder)
Method: 13 subjects who met the diagnostic criteria for panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder participated in MBCT (2 hours each week for 8 weeks). We assessed how anxiety and depression symptoms changed pre and post intervention (without a control group, single-group pre/post comparison).
Results: The mean value of the STAI-state, a measure of anxiety symptoms, was 52.4 before the intervention. After the intervention, there was a significant decrease to 40.8 (40 points or less is the normal range), almost to the normal range (p-value = 0.001).
Conclusion: The result indicates that MBCT could have an ameliorative effect on anxiety symptoms. However, because this was a “single-group study” with no control group, randomized, controlled trial is required to assess its definitive effectiveness.
The results of this study were presented at the 111th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology (June 2015, Osaka, Japan).
無作為化比較対照試験Randomized Controlled Trial
【目的】 我々が前年度に実施した、パイロット研究の結果から、マインドフルネス教室が不安症状を有意に改善させる可能性が示さました。その結果を受け、無作為化比較対照試験で対照群と比較した場合のマインドフルネス教室の効果を検証する目的で、本研究が実施されました。
【方法】 パニック障害、社交不安障害のいずれかの診断基準を満たす対象者40名を介入群と対照(待機)群とに無作為に割り付け、介入群に対しては、通常治療に加えて毎週2時間全8回のマインドフルネス教室を、対照群に対しては通常治療のみを実施しました。また実施前後で両群に対して、不安症状やうつ症状などの評価を行いました。
【結果】 主要評価項目とした不安症状の評価尺度であるSTAI-stateの介入後(8週間後)の値は、介入群38.0、対照群 49.8であり(40点以下が正常域)、介入群は対照群に比べて有意な改善が認められました(p=0.002)。また特性不安の尺度であるSTAI-trait、マインドフルネスの尺度であるFFMQなどについても有意な改善を認めました。
【結論】 マインドフルネス教室がパニック障害、社交不安障害に対して、その不安症状の軽減に有効であることが示されました。また、STAI-traitの値も有意に改善したことから、マインドフルネス教室の効果が、長期的に維持される可能性も示唆されました。
また、英語論文がPsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences誌にアクセプトされました。
Randomized Controlled Trial
Aim: The primary objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) in secondary-care settings where the vast majority of the patients have already undergone pharmacotherapy but have not remitted.
Methods: Eligible participants were aged between 20 and 75 years and met the criteria for panic disorder/agoraphobia or social anxiety disorder specified in the DSM-IV. They were randomly assigned to either the MBCT group (n = 20) or the wait-list control group (n = 20). The primary outcome was the difference in mean change scores between pre- and post-intervention assessments on the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The outcome was analyzed using an intent-to-treat approach and a mixed-effect model repeated measurement.
Results: We observed significant differences in mean change scores for the STAI State Anxiety subscale (difference, -10.1; 95% confidence interval, -16.9 to -3.2; P < 0.005) and STAI Trait Anxiety subscale (difference, -11.7; 95% confidence interval, -17.0 to -6.4; P < 0.001) between the MBCT and control groups.
Conclusion: MBCT is effective in patients with anxiety disorders in secondary-care settings where the vast majority of patients are treatment-resistant to pharmacotherapy.
Keywords: anxiety disorders; cognitive behavioral therapy; mindfulness; randomized controlled trial; secondary care.
The paper was also accepted and published in Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences.
Well beingに対するマインドフルネスMindfulness for well being
マインドフルネスがwell-beingやストレスに与える影響に関する研究Mindfulness for well-being
Previous research has shown that mindfulness has an effect on the prevention of relapse of depression and anxiety symptoms. Although the effect of improvement of subjective well-being (i.e. happiness and life satisfaction) and reduction of stress among the general population has been gradually suggested, its effect has not yet been studied in Japan. Then, we assessed the effectiveness of MBCT for the improvement of subjective well-being.
The result of a pilot study indicated that MBCT might have a positive effect on subjective well-being. Now we have completed a randomized controlled trial and are writing a paper for submission.
パイロット研究Pilot study
Pilot study
Introduction: Previous studies revealed that better subjective well-being contributes to better health conditions regardless of health conditions. And it is known that 8week mindfulness-based intervention plus performing refresher class during follow-up period contributes to improvement of the subjective well-being. The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility, safety and effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy plus monthly booster sessions for improving subjective well-being in the various health status people such as healthy individuals and patients with common mental disorders.
Methods: The study design was a single-arm, pre-post comparison. Eight weekly Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, followed by six monthly booster sessions, were provided. The rate of the enrollment, the session attendance, and the critical adverse events were evaluated. Affective aspect of subjective well-being was set as the primary clinical outcome. Other clinical outcomes included cognitive aspect of subjective well-being, mindfulness skills, etc.
Results: Twenty-four participants were included in the study. Eight weekly Session attendance rate was acceptable. No severe adverse events in the both groups were observed. From the effectiveness perspective, significant improvement of primary outcome was observed at 32 week, and Mindfulness skills and cognitive aspect of subjective well-being had improved and significant improvement were observed after 8week. The participants with the lower SWB improved their SWB more with significance.
Discussion: The program in this study was safe and feasible. A randomized controlled trial would be required in the next step. (Registration ID: UMIN000022528)
Key words: Happiness, Health, Healthy Volunteers, Mentally Ill Persons, Mindfulness
無作為化比較対照試験Randomized Controlled Trial
【方法】本研究は、8週間の無作為化並行群間比較試験で、その後2ヶ月間の追跡調査も行っている。20~65歳の健康な人で、生活満足度尺度(SWLS)のスコアが25点未満の人が参加資格を持ち、MBCT群または待機群のいずれかに無作為に割り付けられた。主要アウトカムは、SWLSのベースラインからの平均変化率の2群間の差であった。副次的アウトカムとして、Flourishing Scale、Scale of Positive and Negative Experience、費用対効果などが含まれた。
Randomized Controlled Trial
Background: Previous studies have indicated that higher subjective well-being works as a protective factor for health. Some studies have already shown the effects of mindfulness-based interventions on improving subjective well-being. However, these studies targeted specific populations rather than the general public. Furthermore, they assessed either life evaluation or affective aspects of subjective well-being rather than the concept as a whole, including the eudemonic aspect of well-being.
Objective: This study aims to investigate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) for improving the wholistic aspects of subjective well-being in healthy individuals.
Methods: This study was an 8-week, randomized, parallel-group, superiority trial with a 2-month follow-up. Healthy individuals aged 20-65 years with scores lower than 25 on the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) were eligible to participate and randomly allocated to the MBCT group or the wait-list control group. The intervention program was developed by modifying an MBCT program to improve the well-being of a nonclinical population. The primary outcome was the difference between the two groups in mean change scores from the baseline on the SWLS. The secondary outcomes included scores on the Flourishing Scale and the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience as well as the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio.
Results: This study began recruiting participants in July 2018 and recruitment was completed at the end of September 2019. Data collection and dataset construction was completed by the end of March 2020.
Conclusions: This study is unique in that it investigates MBCT’s effects on the three different aspects of subjective well-being: life evaluation, affect, and eudemonia. It is limited, as the specific effect attributable to MBCT cannot be detected because of the lack of an active control group.
Trial registration: University Hospital Medical Information Network Clinical Trials Registry (UMIN-CTR) UMIN000031885;