不安障害に対するマインドフルネス認知療法の効果および費用対効果研究Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness studies of mindfulness cognitive therapy for anxiety disorder


We first tested the preliminary effects of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on patients with anxiety disorders without a control group, and then, we conducted a randomized controlled trial. The study demonstrated that mindfulness was effective for anxiety disorders in Japan. See below for a summary of each study.

パイロット研究Pilot study






Pilot study

Objective: We compared the pre-post effects of mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT) for anxiety disorders (panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder)

Method: 13 subjects who met the diagnostic criteria for panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, or obsessive-compulsive disorder participated in MBCT (2 hours each week for 8 weeks). We assessed how anxiety and depression symptoms changed pre and post intervention (without a control group, single-group pre/post comparison).

Results: The mean value of the STAI-state, a measure of anxiety symptoms, was 52.4 before the intervention. After the intervention, there was a significant decrease to 40.8 (40 points or less is the normal range), almost to the normal range (p-value = 0.001).

Conclusion: The result indicates that MBCT could have an ameliorative effect on anxiety symptoms. However, because this was a “single-group study” with no control group, randomized, controlled trial is required to assess its definitive effectiveness.

The results of this study were presented at the 111th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology (June 2015, Osaka, Japan).

無作為化比較対照試験Randomized Controlled Trial



主要評価項目とした不安症状の評価尺度であるSTAI-stateの介入後(8週間後)の値は、介入群38.0、対照群 49.8であり(40点以下が正常域)、介入群は対照群に比べて有意な改善が認められました(p=0.002)。また特性不安の尺度であるSTAI-trait、マインドフルネスの尺度であるFFMQなどについても有意な改善を認めました。



また、英語論文がPsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences誌にアクセプトされました。

Randomized Controlled Trial

Aim: The primary objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) in secondary-care settings where the vast majority of the patients have already undergone pharmacotherapy but have not remitted.

Methods: Eligible participants were aged between 20 and 75 years and met the criteria for panic disorder/agoraphobia or social anxiety disorder specified in the DSM-IV. They were randomly assigned to either the MBCT group (n = 20) or the wait-list control group (n = 20). The primary outcome was the difference in mean change scores between pre- and post-intervention assessments on the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The outcome was analyzed using an intent-to-treat approach and a mixed-effect model repeated measurement.

Results: We observed significant differences in mean change scores for the STAI State Anxiety subscale (difference, -10.1; 95% confidence interval, -16.9 to -3.2; P < 0.005) and STAI Trait Anxiety subscale (difference, -11.7; 95% confidence interval, -17.0 to -6.4; P < 0.001) between the MBCT and control groups.

Conclusion: MBCT is effective in patients with anxiety disorders in secondary-care settings where the vast majority of patients are treatment-resistant to pharmacotherapy.

Keywords: anxiety disorders; cognitive behavioral therapy; mindfulness; randomized controlled trial; secondary care.

The paper was also accepted and published in Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences.

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